Monday, May 17, 2010

What's new & old?

Oh boy! What an adventure I'm on. I'm currently juggling 20+ hours of school in Seattle, a part-time job at Old Navy - that is on the verge of going full-time if I get any more hours, and tutoring on the days I'm in Seattle. I love working at Old Navy but it's getting to be super exhausting not having any days off and trying to keep up with all my homework, all the while tutoring. It's a lot to complain about but in a weird way, I'm loving it, too!

Also, I recently made the Dean's List with a 3.8! I was so excited. I made Honor Roll for Fall Quarter but I didn't want to call and tell mom unless I made the Dean's List! I'm super duper excited about it, too!

So, recent plans to move out with my friends Katie and Michelle have thus far fallen through. Michelle is no longer moving in with us and Katie isn't sure whether to stay in Seattle or move to Spokane with her sister and niece. It's extremely hard to find places and I'm not really sure where I'm going to live or how I'm going to afford it! I'm a little stressed about it. One of life's many blessing I guess.

I've been having this real urge lately to just skip town - aka the United States - and go to some foreign country. Just pack up my stuff and move and try out a new place. It is absolutely NOTHING wrong with Seattle, I love it here! I just want to see the world and be well-traveled. I guess I have all of my life for that though.

My beautiful nephew was recently born :) Levi Allen Nick. He is so amazingly beautiful. It's incredible to be able to live all of my life up that point without him and now I shudder at the loss of never having him. He is so unbelievably amazing. I miss seeing him grow up but him and Chelsea are going to come and stay for a few days and then we're heading back to Montana together for graduation. I'm excited to be home but I'm glad that I am staying for school and work this summer. I really love the people at ON.

Well, that's about as much of an update as I can do. I am in class right now and we're getting back into doing our stuff. Signing off <3

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