Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sleeping in Seattle

Moved In.
Loving every bit of Seattle.
Even the rain.

Miss my friends and family.
Excited for the new changes & opportunities that lie ahead.
My room went from a disaster to an empty blur of my past.
My new apartment is a look into my future.
It's neat & tidy.
Everything is kept in one spot.

(Keep in mind the above picture was taken WHILE I was unpacking still)

The view from our room is obstructed
Obstructed by a huge building.
Yet, there is a magnificent splendor in the building.
Lit up by the ambiance of the ocean.
Beautifully Obstructed.

To either side however,
The city is clearly shown.
Cities which hold their own beauty and splendor.
Old & antique like are the buildings.

Even each person holds their own magnificence.
A new roomy being the newest of this type of person.
Katie. A common name. A unique person.
Loud, Exciting, Fashonista.
She's someone new.
Someone different and completely new.
She's great.

Most importantly,
to go along with everything else that is new in my life,
I have a new attitude.
A new excitement for being alive.
A new-found idea of what I want for myself in life.
(and a new-found shirt :))

The experience is exactly what I asked for.
I'm enjoying my time here.
I'm enjoying what I'm learning.
I'm enjoying what I'm living.

Miss everyone back home.
Libby is a great place to grow up.
But spreading your wings is much more invigorating.